
Supporting long standing sporting values of participation, competition and community, Drummoyne Water Polo Club (DWPC) is a vibrant sporting club that caters to players who enjoy playing for social and fitness reasons, to those seeking to compete at the highest representative level.

Having been established in 1904, DWPC is today one of the oldest water polo clubs in Australia. And with a club membership of more 400 and an extended community of 1,500 people, we are also one of the largest and most dynamic water polo clubs in the country. 

Known as the Drummoyne Devils, our 27 teams consist of 10 junior teams, 15 senior teams and 2 National League teams.

Many of our players got their start in water polo through our highly successful Junior Development Program which is sponsored by Payce. This program is now in its 16th year, and it has introduced the sport of water polo to more than 1,300 girls and boys aged 9 to 14.

DWPC has produced an enormous number of players who compete at elite and representative level. For example, in the 2014/15 season, 18 of our players were named in Australian squads or teams, covering 44 different national representative opportunities.

We are also very proud of the fact that dozens of our players have played for the club for several decades in our second division teams. Their ongoing participation proves it is a sport that retains its appeal as a lifelong activity enjoyed for fun and fitness.



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