2021 Annual General Meeting


Mon 30 Aug 2021 19:00 — 20:00
Zoom Meeting

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Our Annual General Meeting is a great chance for our members to hear about what's planned for our upcoming year as well as what's been achieved during the 2020-21 fiscal year, which ended on April 30. 

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation the Club's AGM for season 2020-21 will be held as a Zoom Meeting with a 7:00 pm start on Monday the 30th of August. This means we require an RSVP this year. 

Intention to Propose a Special Resolution to Alter the Rules (Constitution) of the Club

The constitution of our club may be altered only by special resolution of the club. A special resolution is passed by the members of the club present at a general meeting. In accordance with our rules, the committee is putting the below changes up for adoption via Special Resolution at this Annual General Meeting.

The Special Resolution that will be voted on by you, our Members, at the AGM is to make three (3) alterations to the constitution of the Club, being:

  1. Change clause 7.1 to start with “The Secretary of the Club” instead of “The Registrar of the Club”
  2. Change the clause that defines the office-bearers of the Club clause by modifying 14.2 (d) to be “The Vice President.” instead of “The Registrar.”
  3. Expand the Committee from 7 to "up to 10" voting members by changing clause 14.1 (b) to be “up to Six (6) ordinary Members” instead of “Three (3) ordinary Members”

So you can make your own assessment ahead of the AGM. Here is the current constitution:

Getting Involved

If you are thinking about it and want to discuss what is involved, please email James Brennan at james@vividcareers.com.au or phone him on 0417 284 377.


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